Psychotherapy for Attachment, Trauma and Dissociation

 London Mayfair and Glasgow |  077 7327 7327 |


As a Hypno-psychotherapist I utilise this approach for a range of presenting conditions. Hypno-psychotherapy aims to utilises focuses and skilled communication aimed at harnessing an individuals imagination in a way that helps elicit changes in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The verbal communications used by the psychotherapist can be considered as suggestions which are utilised with the use of trance which is a particular frame of mind which is characterised by:

- Focused Attention
- Absorption in some activity, image, thought or feeling
- Disattention to extraneous stimuli

Hypnosis and Trauma

There has been many published clinical reports illustrating the use of hypnosis in the treatment of Trauma and Dissociative Disorders. For example in a Randomly Controlled trial (Brom, Kleber & Defare, 1989) indicated that the use of hypnosis was particularly effective for intrusion symptoms e.g. flashbacks. Therefore emerging research indicates that hypnosis can be used as an effective adjunct for the treatment of PTSD (Spiegel et al, 2000). It is crucially important for any practitioner using Hypnosis to be competent in understanding the steps to take to ensure risks and dangers associated with false memory are reduced through the approach of ‘free recall’ and adherence to a trauma focused approach.

Anxiety Disorders

The treatment of anxiety utilises self control training, cognitive therapy and exposure techniques is an empirically supported method. By reverse engineering and working backwards it can help identify:

- Catastrophic thinking
- Identify what went wrong when the danger system became sensitised (fight or flight response)
- Identify the aspects relating to ‘anxiety expectancy’ and also ‘avoidance'
- Using techniques to systematically reverse and restore healthy functioning

Choosing a practitioner

It is important to choose a qualified hypnotherapist who has undertaken all the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of hypnotherapy.  You can check whether a hypnotherapist is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) by searching the register at By choosing a practitioner registered with the CNHC you can be confident that they are properly trained, qualified and insured.

My training

I have completed a 4 year training as a Hypno-psychotherapist (my Membership Organisation of UKCP is the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy). I have also completed various trainings in the treatment of trauma disorders by using hypnosis as an adjunct to treatment e.g. Certified Specialist in Hypnosis and PTSD with the American Hypnosis Association.


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